Shraddha Kapoor is the new Aashiqui girl

Shraddha Kapoor, daughter of actor Shakti Kapoor and Shivangi Kolhapuri, made her Bollywood debut with ‘Teen Patti’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan. Then she had a three-film deal with YRF films under which she featured in ‘Luv Ka The End’ which was a disaster at the box-office. Then came a year long wait for Shraddha and there was no development at the YRF camp. Then, Shraddha got a call from Mahesh Bhatt’s production house and she was offered Aashiqui 2 which she accepted.

When things with ‘Aashiqui 2’ were being finalized, YRF offered Shraddha another flick ‘Aurangzeb’ opposite Arjun Kapoor, which also required the same dates. Shraddha made her choice and joined the Bhatt camp with Aashiqui 2 without taking the consent from her production company. As such YRF were extremely upset with her and have asked her to leave.

The spokesperson of YRF said, “Shraddha was not a part of Aurangzeb and she has parted ways amicably as we had no films to offer her at this stage.”

‘Aashiqui 2’ under Vishesh Films will feature Shraddha in a sensual and interesting role in the sequel. Shraddha confirms: “Yes, I am the new Aashiqui girl.”

Besides Shraddha, the sequel will star Aditya Roy Kapoor, who is best known for his work in films like Guzaarish (2010) and Action Replayy (2010).Shraddha Kapoor
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