Mumbai: Once upon a time Farah Khan had stated, “Whenever I make a film, it has to have Shah Rukh in it”. But destiny had other plans for her. After her magnum opus Om Shanti Om with SRK under his Red Chillies banner, Farah Khan had offered Baadshah the role of Akshay in Tees Maar Khan. After keeping them waited for months and years, SRK eventually dropped the offer which angered Farah Khan to the core. She went on to announce the film with Akshay without even informing her long time friend Shah Rukh.
The film bombed at the box office and Twitter was flooded with cheap comments. Some even stated, “Farah Khan doing a film without SRK is of no use.” Later things went ugly between the two when Shirish, better known as Farah’s husband, made some sarcastic and snide remarks on Ra.One calling it a fizzled 150 crore firework which fuelled the differences between the two families.
Of late, the much talked slap-fest at Sanjay Dutt’s party gained even more gravitas when Sajid Khan shouldered the responsibility of helping both the families reunite. And voila!
Reportedly after the reconcilement, Farah has made numerous visits at the King’s Den, Mannat. Some sources even confirm that she has offered her movie ‘Happy New Year’ to him yet again. She even went to London to meet SRK, while he is filming for Yash Chopra, to seal the dates and complete other formalities to make the big announcement. SRK, as we heard has finally given his nod to Farah and this time, we wish there are only happy days around the two!
The film bombed at the box office and Twitter was flooded with cheap comments. Some even stated, “Farah Khan doing a film without SRK is of no use.” Later things went ugly between the two when Shirish, better known as Farah’s husband, made some sarcastic and snide remarks on Ra.One calling it a fizzled 150 crore firework which fuelled the differences between the two families.
Of late, the much talked slap-fest at Sanjay Dutt’s party gained even more gravitas when Sajid Khan shouldered the responsibility of helping both the families reunite. And voila!
Reportedly after the reconcilement, Farah has made numerous visits at the King’s Den, Mannat. Some sources even confirm that she has offered her movie ‘Happy New Year’ to him yet again. She even went to London to meet SRK, while he is filming for Yash Chopra, to seal the dates and complete other formalities to make the big announcement. SRK, as we heard has finally given his nod to Farah and this time, we wish there are only happy days around the two!