It is now famous Bollywood actress Dia Mirza who has joined hands with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to promote awareness against animal skin trade. She has enrolled in an advertising campaign with PETA recently in which she is seen posing in a fake snake skin. The advertisement adorned the words ‘Face It: Exotic Skin Kills, Wild Animals Belong In The Wild, Not In Your Wardrobe’.
The advertisement was targeted to appeal the viewers to avoid the use of animal skin that are used to make products that adorn their wardrobe. Dressed like a snake, the actress looked as if she was dreaded and skinned alive just like the snakes that are skinned and peeled alive to obtain their skin. Jatin Kampani was on the camera for this advertisement.
According to Dia Mirza killing and peeling these animals just to obtain a pair of boots or a fancy purse makes no sense. She added that people should opt for fake snake skin and mock croc to save these animals which would also be a tribute gesture to these animals. People will get the desired product without killing these animals brutally.
The procedure of skinning animals is so brutal that it might just make you stop using products made out of Snake skin or Alligator skin. The snakes are nailed to tress while still alive and then their skin is peeled off. After this process the still alive body of the animal is thrown away. The snake would still be alive for quite some hours before dying out of shock, pain or dehydration. This is what the animals undergo just to add a purse in your collection.
The Alligators are trapped in small places and beaten to death by axes and hammers.
Dia was honored with the Hero to Animals award for her production house promoting the cause of giving shelter to homeless dogs in their film ‘Love, Breakups, Zindagi’. Dia has followed the lead of Bollywood star Raveena Tandon who is also engaged with the PETA for spreading awareness against brutal killing of animals.