Austrian businessman and marketer Peter Haag, who has his working routes in Dubai, has told that the names of the babies are given as Winston and Viraaj. The deliveries have taken place in a hospital in Dubai on 24th March, Saturday morning. Asking for blessings from everyone for the newborns, the couple will be heading from Dubai to Mumbai within a week. The couple feels like being on the moon currently being rejoiced with the news.
Jaitley and Haag got married in July 2011 with only a few close people as attendants. They announced the news officially two months after, that is, in September. Celina also shared pictures with family including Haag. Soon after, she declared herself to be pregnant and expressed her happiness on the news.
After the deliveries, the 30-year old actress stated that she is feeling complete as a woman and is looking forward to continue enjoying her new journey with positive aspects. She went on expressing her happiness while thanking everyone who supported her in her life so far, asking them to continue the same.
As known, a birth of a baby on mother earth is a symbolization of refreshment, a new beginning. It is always welcomed by all and the primary moments are cheerful. We pray for a bright future to Peter Haag, Celina Jaitley and their kids for the upcoming days.