She is just five films old but actor Anushka Sharma has managed to carve a niche for herself in Bollywood. In her four-year-old career, the 23-year-old has already worked with names such as Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar and Shahid Kapoor. During her recent visit to the Capital, where she came to receive an award, the Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Band Baaja Baarat actor cleared air about her working with actor Aamir Khan in Raj Kumar Hirani’s film, why she wouldn’t do an item number, and more.
Anushka speaks...
On film with Raju
There is nothing of that sort at the moment. Whenever there is something, an announcement will be made officially
On item songs
Aap dekhna chahte hai? Nothing excites me enough to do item songs. Other’s might have done a great job on them, but I’m not comfortable right now.
On her next films
I am doing Vishal Bhardwaj’s film, Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola, opposite Imran Khan. I’m also doing Yash Chopra’s next, with Shah Rukh and Katrina
On Katrina
Katrina is my senior in the industry, and there is no doubt that I have a lot of respect for her. We both have great roles in Yash Chopra’s next film
On Delhi
I have lovely memories of Delhi. I think I have become a star after doing a film in Delhi. I love Delhi, and I think this is a great time to be here
On big banners
I only work with and look for good scripts and roles. You can’t streamline yourself by sticking to just one production house or one director.
On love
Love should be expressed everyday to people who care for you, not only boyfriend/girlfriend or spouses but even your family and friends
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