Saving Face, the short film (documentary) on the subject of ordeal and courage of the acid attacks victims, won the Oscar trophy. The co-director of the movie Sharneen Obaid-Chinoy turned colossally excited when the movie was announced the winner. It was the endless joyful experience for the director to receive the world’s biggest honor for the very first time for Pakistan.
Also it was the first time that a Pakistani film (this is a short film, a documentary) got nominated for the Oscars Awards. Saving Face, a film made by Danil Junge and Chinoy, was already well in news prior to the nominations and post the release. The film was being projected well in the media across the world due to the sensitive subject the film carried. Saving Face won the award at the 84th Academy Awards in Short Film (Documentary) Category.
Saving Face talks about a British Plastic Surgeon Dr. Muhammad Jawad who returns to his country (origin) to help the acid burnt victims and then performs the surgeries on the survivors. The movie also pours light on a story of a woman who got victimized for the acid attack.
While receiving the trophy, Sharmeen Chinoy dedicated the distinction to the women of Pakistan. The other contenders in this category, which were beaten out by Saving Face, included Incident in New Baghdad, The Tsunami and The Cherry Blossom.
It is the real and the biggest honor for the entire nation who got supremely happy that Pakistan won its first Oscar. The entertainment industry too got thrilled while it learnt for this mammoth distinction. Hats off to Sharmeen Chinoy for putting Pakistan on the list of Oscar Winners.