Bollywood News: Bollywood Diva Kangana Ranaut is all set to go Hollywood after she has decided to become Bollywood’s new desi action babe. Kangana who is working too hard these days for her upcoming movie Krissh 2 opposite to Bollywood Actor Hrithik Roshan might shock the nation with her desi Lara Croft avatar.
India Today quoted a source saying that Kangana Ranaut has been taking Karate lessons for quite some time now. In fact Kangana has been taking inspiration from Hollywood action flicks and is particularly inspired by Hilary Swank’s role in The Next Karate Kid.
In a recent interview with India Today, Kangana Ranaut said “I wanted to be completely prepared physically before we kickstart the shooting for Krrish 2.” So Kangs, we are eagerly waiting to see your new looks in Krissh 2. But our crucial question is would Kangana‘s much-talked about avatar in the film overshadow the main female lead Priyanka Chopra?